Everyone is Always Welcome to Satsang

(no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.)

Premasudha offers online Awareness Satsangs on Zoom to support all those seeking to understand and love themselves more deeply. Premasudha offers spiritual guidance. She helps spirtual seekers connect to their True Nature or Soul. Her love-infused words go far beyond the conscious mind. By simply listening, subconscious blocks can be healed. Seekers can ask questions and receive deep guidance - always tailor-made for each particular individual’s challenges and experiences. Satsang members often express deep gratitude for how supported, loved and guided they feel.

Evolution is so much easier in Satsang with Premasudha.

Satsang begins at 8:30 am Sat & Sun PST Vancouver time for approximately 90 minutes.
Attendance is by donation.

Many blessings! πŸ’—